We are devastated here on the West Coast. As I write, over 100K people so far have been evacuated due to the (now five) out-of-control California fires. Over 30K acres so far have burned. Lives have been lost. Injuries number in the hundreds. Water is unsafe to drink now, due to debris, and air quality rates poor. With dried-up hydrants, water to fight the flames is limited.
There are not enough people to fight the massive spread. My home state sent 370 firefighters yesterday as we are nearby. Other States are apparently on their way.
I’m not sure why that part took so long.
The last two years, Cali has seen some rain, which means an increase in vegetation. And now, with extremely dry weather and very high winds, it has become a tinderbox. I was sad when I pulled up a fire map, only to realize that fires have almost completely surrounded LA. And as of last night, have entered LA.
My brother, Rick, was on a mission to win Hollywood over for Jesus during his career. He went to heaven (for good) a few years ago. In the Christian film industry, he strongly felt the call that if the world was to change for the Lord, Hollywood held the megaphone. Through his work with Pureflix (now Sony Affirm), his other film companies, and his writing (yes, I suspect he would have found Substack), he created impact with quality scriptwriting, editing, mentoring others, and film development. And believe me, he fought for every piece of work to ooze the highest grade of quality - as Jesus deserves that. We, as his family, heard many stories of this struggle. God cut his earth journey short and people do carry on the mission, but I have yet to hear of anyone who is as passionate about it as my brother was.
Just last week, the Golden Globe awards occurred. According to the Christian Post, “The host of this year’s Golden Globe Awards highlighted how no acceptance speech given in the first half of the ceremony included a mention of God, which she considered ‘no surprise in this godless town.’”
Now I obviously don’t consider the area completely Godless and I know many there who love the Lord. But it is an interesting observation. Although satire and sarcasm weigh heavy in our award shows and she likely was joking, it was telling. Even more telling, people laughed.
My friend Jennie went to heaven and was brought back to earth. In her experience, Jesus took her hand and told her not to be afraid, but showed her things in the future that would occur before His return.
“Then came the future. ‘All these things must happen before my return,’ He told me. And I saw vivid scenes of wildfires, flooding, and a Civil War in the United States. I saw children being trafficked and other horrible sins. He showed me disasters and fighting, and people hating each other. There was massive looting. ‘There is going to fires, flooding, hurricanes, and tornados – more than you’ve ever seen. The people will turn against each other – even brothers.’”
He also reassured her many times that her faith would carry her through, and to not be afraid. A good reminder for all of us.
Dear Jesus, be with these people who have lost, who are suffering so, who are likely terrified. Protect their lives and hearts. Show Your presence. May they see You and your angels, and find comfort. Bring Your healing hand. Open the path for resources to flow and miracles to abound. May they know Who guards them from above. May they feel the incomparable peace only You can give. Amen.
And I will display wonders in the sky above and signs on the earth below, blood, fire, and vapor of smoke (Acts 2:19 NASV).
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Thank you, Julie. Such a time as it is, we need the reminder of God's nearness and faithfulness!